Water-free fire suppression for San Diego area businesses
In many cases, extinguishing a fire with water is not the ideal outcome. Data centers, telecommunications hubs and IT businesses all have valuable equipment that contains sensitive information that may not be recoverable if lost to water. Art museums, libraries, and antiquities dealers also need a fire suppression option that doesn’t include water. For these businesses a clean agent fire suppression system from Aztec Fire & Safety is the best fire protection solution.

What is a Clean Agent Fire Suppression System?
The NFPA defines a clean agent as “an electrically nonconductive, volatile, or gaseous fire extinguishant that does not leave a residue upon evaporation.” Clean agent fire protection systems use non-flammable gases like argon and CO2 rather than water, and are designed to:
Quickly detect an incipient fire or heat condition.
Suppress fires when sprinklers are not appropriate as the first and only means of fire protection.
Protect people and property.
Mitigate business interruption.
Limit the loss of assets, information and revenue.
Clean agent fire suppression systems require uniquely trained and qualified technicians, such as the licensed professionals at Aztec Fire & Safety, to design, install, service, repair, and maintain them.
Count on Aztec Fire & Safety to provide your San Diego area business with a water-free clean agent fire suppression system. Call (619) 464-5625 for more information.
Why choose Aztec? Aztec Fire & Safety has served the businesses, schools, hospitals, and government centers of San Diego County for more than 20 years. With extensive training and multiple licenses in fire safety and associated electrical disciplines, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to expertly install and maintain your clean agent fire suppression system.